Dmitry Pelinovsky

Professor of Mathematics

Office: Hamilton Hall - 422
Phone: (905) 525-9140, x23424
E-mail: pelinod at

Dmitry Pelinovsky Dmitry Pelinovsky Dmitry Pelinovsky

Plenary speaker at the SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (Baltimore, MD, June 24-27, 2024)
Ranked as #24 among top mathematics scientists in Canada (# 634 worldwide) on April 15, 2024 (down from #20 in Canada and # 542 worldwide in 2022)
Ranked as #49543 among top researchers with high impact factor (2023) (up from #52415 in 2022)
Recipient of Humboldt Research Award in 2021 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2022-2023)
Participant of Research-in-Team Program at Erwin Schrödinger Institute in Vienna (May-June, 2022)
Editor-in-Chief of Studies in Applied Mathematics (published by Wiley) since 2020
Deputy Editor of Physica D (published by Elsevier) since 2021
Member of the Editorial Board for Physical Review E (published by Americal Physical Society) since 2021
Guest editor of the special issue of Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations on "Hamiltonian Dynamics and KAM Theory in Memory of Walter Craig" (edited with D. Bambusi, S. Kuksin, and Y. Yi) in 2021
Outstanding Reviewer 2023 Award, Nonlinearity, IOP Science
APS Outstanding Reviewer 2022, Physical Review journals
Trusted Reviewer 2021, IOP Science
Outstanding Reviewer 2020 Award, Nonlinearity, IOP Science
Outstanding Reviewer 2017 Award, Nonlinearity, IOP Science
Reviewer of the Year 2016 Award, Nonlinearity, IOP Science

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