J. Han, C. He, and D.E. Pelinovsky

Algebraic solitons in the massive Thirring model

Physical Review E 110 (2024) 034202 (11 pages)

We present exact solutions describing dynamics of two algebraic solitons in the massive Thirring model. Each algebraic soliton corresponds to a simple embedded eigenvalue in the Kaup-Newell spectral problem and attains the maximal mass among the family of solitary waves traveling with the same speed. By coalescence of speeds of the two algebraic solitons, we find a new solution for an algebraic double-soliton which corresponds to a double embedded eigenvalue. We show that the double-soliton attains the double mass of a single soliton and describes a slow interaction of two identical algebraic solitons.

massive Thirring model; algebraic solitons; rational solutions; Hirota bilinear equations;