A.A. Sukhorukov, A.V. Lavrinenko, D.N. Chigrin, D.E. Pelinovsky, and Yu.S. Kivshar
Shaping slow-light pulses in coupled periodic waveguides
Periodic waveguides bring a new twist onto the typical waveguiding problems
been intermediate case between photonic crystal waveguides and photonic
wires or ridge waveguides. We develop an asymptotic theory applicable
for a broad class of coupled periodic waveguide structures, and use the analytical
expressions to identify the generic types of dispersion in the vicinity of
a photonic band-edge, where the group velocity of light is reduced. We show
that the dispersion can be controlled by the longitudinal shift between the
waveguides. We also reveal through finite-difference time-domain simulations
novel features of spatial and temporal pulse reshaping associated with different
types of slow-light dispersion.
Optical waveguides, slow light, photonic band gaps,
dispersion relations, pulse propagation in periodic materials.