APM 261F: Plan of Lectures (Fall, 1999)
- Elementary introduction in linear programming
- Operation research: phases and typical problems
- Classification and examples of linear programming problems
- Transformations of LP problems, slack variables
- Feasible region and optimal solutions, classification of solutions
- Geometric solution of a LP problem and the requirement space
- Review of linear algebra and convex analysis
- Vectors, linear independence and basis
- Matrices, elementary row and column operations
- Solving a linear system by Gauss--Jordan reduction
- Inverse and rank of matrices, classification of solutions
of linear systems
- Convex set, extreme points, hyperplanes and halfspaces,
- Polyhedral sets, calculating extreme points, directions
and extreme directions
- Representation theorem for polyhedral sets
- The simplex method and modifications
- Extreme points and basic feasible solutions of a LP problem
- The extreme point theorem and optimal solutions of a LP problem
- Geometric and algebraic motivations of the simplex method
- Transformation of a LP problem to the simplex form
- Steps of the simplex method, termination due to optimality
and unboundedness
- Unique and alternative optimal solutions
- The simplex method in tableau format
- Artificial variables and the two-phase method
- Degeneracy, cycling, and stalling, rules that prevent cycling
- The revised simplex method, computation of the basis inverse
- Duality and sensitivity analysis
- Formulation of the dual LP problems
- The duality theorems and primal-dual relationships
- Complementary slackness, solving a primal problem through
the dual problem
- Economic interpretation of duality
- The dual simplex method, identification of dual variables
from a primal tableau
- Sensitivity analysis: variations of parameters, adding a
new constraint
- Complexity and polynomial algorithms
- Polynomial and exponential complexity of algorithms
- Complexity of the simplex algorithm
- Karmarkar's projective algorithm
- Converting a general problem into the Karmarkar's form
- Sliding objective function method
- Minimal cost network flows (9.1-9.7)
- Networks and oriented graphs, tree and forest graphs
- Formulation of the minimal cost problem as a LP problem
- Simplex method for network flow problems
- Finding an initial solution for network flow problems
- The transportation problems and integer programming
- Formulation of the transportation problem as a LP problem
- The transportation algorithm, finding an initial solution
- Integer programming: cutting planes method,
branch and bound method
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