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no abstract download K.A. Gorshkov, D.E. Pelinovsky, and Yu.A. Stepanyants, Normal and Anomalous Scattering, Formation and Decay of Bound States of Two-Dimensional Solitons Described by the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation, JETP 77 (1993) 237-245
no abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and Yu.A. Stepanyants, Self-Focusing Instability of Plane Solitons and Chains of Two-Dimensional Solitons in Positive-Dispersion Media, JETP 77 (1993) 602-608
no abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and Yu.A. Stepanyants, New Multisoliton Solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation, JETP Letters 57 (1993) 24-28
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D.E. Pelinovsky and V.G. Yakhno, Fronts of Multiple Transitions in Neural Network Media, Neural Network World 4 (1993) 443-456