1: Which statement describes the Weak Duality Theorem?
2: A dual problem has no constraints on two non-negative variables, w1 and w2. The objective of the dual problem is to maximize the function:
What is an optimal solution of the primal (minimization) problem?
z = 0
3: The problem is to find maximum of the function
subject to the constraints:
Suppose the dual variable w1 is associated to the first constraint. Find the feasible region of the dual problem.
w1 <= 0
w1 >= 0
3 <= w1 <= 4
w1 >= 3
4: A dual problem in canonical form has four variables and two constraints. The optimal solution of the dual problem is
Which statement is true for the primal problem?
5: The problem is to maximize the function:
The final simplex tableau is
Find values of the dual variables w1 and w2 associated with the first and second constraints, respectively.
w1 = 0
w2 = 0
w2 = -5
w1 = 3
w1 = -3
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