` Dmitry Pelinovsky Web Page: Publication Bank

Stability of nonlinear waves

Articles in Books:
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky, Traveling waves in fractional models, Fractional Dispersive Models and Applications: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives, Editors: P. H Kevrekidis, J. Cuevas-Maraver Nonlinear Systems and Complexity 37 (Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2024) 155-186
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky, Spectral stability of nonlinear waves in KdV-type evolution equations, "Nonlinear Physical Systems: Spectral Analysis, Stability, and Bifurcations" (Edited by O.N. Kirillov and D.E. Pelinovsky) (Wiley-ISTE, NJ) 377-400 (2014)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and R.H.J. Grimshaw, Asymptotic Methods in Soliton Stability Theory, Advances in Fluid Mechanics Series, 12: Nonlinear Instability Analysis, edited by L.Debnath and S.R.Choudhury, (Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, Boston), 245-312 (1997)

Invited papers:
abstract download D. Pelinovsky and J. Yang, Stability analysis of embedded solitons in the generalized third-order NLS equation, Chaos 15, 037115 (2005)

Regular articles:
abstract download J. Lin, D. E. Pelinovsky, and B. de Rijk, On the extinction of multiple shocks in scalar viscous conservation laws, SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Systems 23 (2024)2323-2363
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and B. de Rijk, Extinction of multiple shocks in the modular Burgers equation, Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (2023) 3679-3687
abstract download A. Contreras, D.E. Pelinovsky, and V. Slastikov Domain walls in the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations with the harmonic potential, Calc Var 61 164 (28 pages) (2022)
abstract download U. Le and D.E. Pelinovsky, Periodic waves of the modified KdV equation as minimizers of a new variational problem, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems 21 2518-2534 (2022)
abstract download F. Natali, U. Le, and D.E. Pelinovsky, Periodic waves in the fractional modified Korteweg-de Vries equation, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 34 1601-1640 (2022)
abstract download U. Le and D.E. Pelinovsky, Green's function for the fractional KdV equation on the periodic domain via Mittag-Leffler's function, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 24 1507-1534 (2021)
abstract download U. Le, D.E. Pelinovsky, and P. Poullet, Asymptotic stability of viscous shocks in the modular Burgers equation, Nonlinearity 34, 5979-6016 (2021)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky, A.V. Slunyaev, A.V. Kokorina, and E.N. Pelinovsky, Stability and interaction of compactons in the sublinear KdV equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 101 105855 (16 pages) (2021)
abstract download F. Natali, U. Le, and D.E. Pelinovsky, New variational characterization of periodic waves in the fractional Korteweg-de Vries equation, Nonlinearity 33, 1956-1986 (2020)
abstract download P. Bizon, D. Hunik-Kostyra, and D.E. Pelinovsky, Stationary states of the cubic conformal flow on S3, Discrete Continuous Dynamical Systems A 40, 1-32 (2020)
abstract download U.Le and D.E. Pelinovsky, Convergence of Petviashvili's method near periodic waves in the fractional Korteweg-de Vries equation, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 51, 2850-2883 (2019)
abstract download P. Bizon, D. Hunik-Kostyra, and D.E. Pelinovsky, Ground state of the conformal flow on S3 Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics 72, 1123-1151 (2019)
abstract download A. Contreras, D.E. Pelinovsky, and M. Plum, Orbital stability of domain walls in coupled Gross-Pitaevskii systems, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 50, 810-833 (2018)
abstract download S. Alama, L. Bronsard, A. Contreras, and D.E. Pelinovsky, Domains walls in the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations, Archives for Rational Mechanics and its Applications 215, 579-610 (2015)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and A. Stefanov, Asymptotic stability of small gap solitons in the nonlinear Dirac equations, Journal of Mathematical Physics 53, 073705 (27 pages) (2012)
abstract download M. Chugunova and D. Pelinovsky, Count of eigenvalues in the generalized eigenvalue problem, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51, 052901 (19 pages) (2010)
abstract download M. Chugunova and D. Pelinovsky, On quadratic eigenvalue problems arising in stability of discrete vortices, Linear Algebra and its Applications 431, 962-973 (2009)
abstract download M. Chugunova and D. Pelinovsky, Two-pulse solutions in the fifth-order KdV equation: rigorous theory and numerical approximations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B 8, 773-800 (2007)
abstract download A. Comech, S. Cuccagna, and D. Pelinovsky, Nonlinear instability of a critical traveling wave in the generalized Korteweg - de Vries equation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 39, 1-33 (2007)
abstract download M. Chugunova and D. Pelinovsky, Block-diagonalization of the symmetric first-order coupled-mode system, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems 5, 66-83 (2006)
abstract download V. Vougalter and D. Pelinovsky, Eigenvalues of zero energy in the linearized NLS problem, Journal of Mathematical Physics 47, 062701 (2006)
abstract download S. Cuccagna, D. Pelinovsky, and V. Vougalter, Spectra of positive and negative energies in the linearized NLS problem, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 58 1-29 (2005)
abstract download S. Cuccagna and D. Pelinovsky, Bifurcations from the end points of the essential spectrum in the linearized NLS problem, J. Math. Phys. 46 053520 (2005)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky, Inertia law for spectral stability of solitary waves in coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 461 783-812 (2005)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and J. Yang, Instabilities of multihump vector solitons in coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Stud. Appl. Math. 115 109-137 (2005)
abstract download Y. Kodama and D. Pelinovsky, Spectral stability and time evolution of N solitons in KdV hierarchy, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38 6129-6140 (2005)
abstract download A.Comech and D. Pelinovsky, Purely Nonlinear Instability of Standing Waves with Minimal Energy, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 56 1565-1607 (2003)
abstract download Y. Tan, J. Yang, and D.E. Pelinovsky, Semi-stability of embedded solitons in the general fifth-order KdV equation, Wave Motion 36, 241-255 (2002)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and J. Yang, A normal form for nonlinear resonance of embedded solitons, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 458, 1469-1497 (2002)

Proceedings papers:
abstract download T. Mizumachi and D. Pelinovsky, On the asymptotic stability of localized modes in the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S 5, 971-987 (2012)