Inverse scattering and integrable systems

Invited articles:
abstract download J. Chen and D.E. Pelinovsky, Bright and dark breathers of the Benjamin-Ono equation on the traveling periodic background, Wave Motion 126 (2024) 103263 (10 pages)
abstract download J. Chen and D.E. Pelinovsky, Rogue waves arising on the standing periodic waves in the Ablowitz-Ladik equation, Stud. Appl. Math. 152 (2024) 147-173
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky, Instability of double-periodic solutions in the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Frontiers in Physics, 9, 599146 (10 pages) (2021)
abstract download S. Cuccagna and D.E. Pelinovsky, The asymptotic stability of solitons in the cubic NLS equation on the line, Applicable Analysis 93, 791-822 (2014)

Regular articles:
abstract download J. Han, C. He, and D. E. Pelinovsky, Algebraic solitons in the massive Thirring model, Physical Review E 110 (2024) 034202 (11 pages)
abstract download A. Mucalica and D.E. Pelinovsky, Dark breathers on a snoidal wave background in the defocusing MKDV equation Lett. Math. Phys. 114 (2024)100 (28 pages)
abstract download J. Chen and D.E. Pelinovsky, Periodic waves in the discrete MKDV equation: modulational instability and rogue waves, Physica D 44 (2023) 133652 (16 pages)
abstract download M. Hoefer, A. Mucalica, and D. E. Pelinovsky, KdV breathers on cnoidal wave background, J. Physics A: Mathem. Theor. 56 185701 (25 pages) (2023)
abstract download A. Mucalica and D.E. Pelinovsky, Solitons on the rarefaction wave background via the Darboux transformation, Proc. R. Soc. A 478 20220474 (17 pages) (2022)
abstract download M. Haragus and D.E. Pelinovsky, Linear instability of breathers for the focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 32 66 (40 pages) (2022)
abstract download J. Chen, D.E. Pelinovsky, and J. Upsal, Modulational instability of periodic standing waves in the derivative NLS equation, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31 58 (32 pages) (2021)
abstract download J. Chen and D.E. Pelinovsky, Rogue waves on the background of periodic standing waves in the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Physical Review E 103, 062206 (25 pages) (2021)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and R.E. White, Localized structures on librational and rotational travelling waves in the sine-Gordon equation, Proceedings A of Royal Society of London 476: 20200490 (18 pages) (2020)
abstract download J. Chen, D.E. Pelinovsky, and R.E. White, Periodic standing waves in the focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation: Rogue waves and modulation instability, Physica D 405 132378 (13 pages) (2020)
abstract download G. Xu, A. Chabchoub, D.E. Pelinovsky, and B. Kibler, Observation of modulation instability and rogue breathers on stationary periodic waves, Physical Review Research, 2, 033528 (8 pages) (2020)
abstract download J. Chen, D.E. Pelinovsky, and R.E. White Rogue waves on the double-periodic background in the focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Physical Review E 100, 052219 (18 pages) (2019)
abstract download J. Chen and D.E. Pelinovsky, Periodic travelling waves of the modified KdV equation and rogue waves on the periodic background, Journal of Nonlinear Science 29, 2797-2843 (2019)
abstract download N. Joshi and D.E. Pelinovsky, Integrable semi-discretization of the massive Thirring system in laboratory coordinates, Journal of Physics: Mathematical Theoretical 52, 03LT01 (12pp) (2019)
abstract download T. Xu and D.E. Pelinovsky, Darboux transformation and soliton solutions of the semi-discrete massive Thirring model, Physics Letters A 383, 125948 (14 pages) (2019)
abstract download J. Chen and D.E. Pelinovsky, Rogue periodic waves in the focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Proceeding of Royal Society of London A, 474, 20170814 (18 pages) (2018)
abstract download J. Chen and D.E. Pelinovsky, Rogue periodic waves in the modified KdV equation, Nonlinearity 31 1955-1980 (2018)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and Y. Shimabukuro, Existence of global solutions to the derivative NLS equation with the inverse scattering transform method, International Mathematics Research Notices 2018, 5663-5728 (2018)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky, A. Saalmann, and Y. Shimabukuro, The derivative NLS equation: global existence with solitons, Dynamics of PDE 14, 271-294 (2017)
abstract download M. Haragus, J. Li, and D.E. Pelinovsky, Counting unstable eigenvalues in Hamiltonian spectral problems via commuting operators, Communications in Mathematical Physics 354, 247-268 (2017)
abstract download A. Contreras, D.E. Pelinovsky, and Y. Shimabukuro, L2 orbital stability of Dirac solitons in the massive Thirring model, Communications in PDEs 41, 227-255 (2016)
abstract download T. Gallay and D.E. Pelinovsky, Orbital stability in the cubic defocusing NLS equation. Part I: Cnoidal periodic waves, Journal of Differential Equations 258, 3607-3638 (2015)
abstract download T. Gallay and D.E. Pelinovsky, Orbital stability in the cubic defocusing NLS equation. Part II: The black soliton, Journal of Differential Equations 258, 3639-3660 (2015)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and Y. Shimabukuro, Orbital stability of Dirac solitons, Letters in Mathematical Physics 104, 21-41 (2014)
abstract download A. Contreras and D.E. Pelinovsky, Stability of multi-solitons in the cubic NLS equation, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 11, 329-353 (2014)
abstract download T. Mizumachi and D. Pelinovsky, Backlund transformation and L2-stability of NLS solitons, International Mathematics Research Notices 2012, 2034-2067 (2012)
abstract download M. Klaus, D.E. Pelinovsky, and V.M. Rothos, Evans function for Lax operators with algebraically decaying potentials, J. Nonlin. Sci. 16, 1-44 (2006)
abstract download D. Pelinovsky and D. Wu, Gauge transformation and spectral decomposition for the Ishimori-II equations, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36, 5557-5574 (2003)
abstract download D. Pelinovsky and C. Sulem, Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues for a Scalar Riemann - Hilbert Problem Associated to Inverse Scattering, Comm. Math. Phys. 208, 713-760 (2000)
abstract download D. Pelinovsky and C. Sulem, Spectral Decomposition for Dirac System Associated to the DSII Equation, Inverse Problems 16, 59-74 (2000)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and C. Sulem, Bifurcations of new eigenvalues for the Benjamin-Ono equation, J. Math. Phys. 39, 6552-6572 (1998)
abstract download D. Pelinovsky, Rational Solutions of the KP Hierarchy and the Dynamics of Their Poles. II. Construction of the Degenerate Polynomial Solutions, J. Math. Phys. 39, 5377-5395 (1998)
abstract download I.V. Barashenkov and D.E. Pelinovsky, Exact Vortex Solutions of the Complex Sine-Gordon Theory on the Plane, Phys. Lett. B 436, 117-124 (1998)
abstract download D. Pelinovsky, J. Springael, F. Lambert, and I. Loris, On Modified NLS, Kaup and NLBq Equations: Differential Transformations and Bilinearization, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30, 8705-8717 (1997)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and R.H.J. Grimshaw, Structural Transformation of Eigenvalues for a Perturbed Algebraic Soliton Potential, Phys. Lett. A 229, 165-172 (1997)
abstract download D.E.Pelinovsky and R.H.J.Grimshaw, A Spectral Transform for the Intermediate Nonlinear Shrodinger Equation, J.Math.Phys. 36, 4203-4219 (1995)
abstract download V.M.Galkin, D.E.Pelinovsky, and Yu.A.Stepanyants, The Structure of the Rational Solutions to the Boussinesq equation, Physica D 80, 246-255 (1995)
abstract download D. Pelinovsky, Rational Solutions of the Kadomtsev - Petviashvili Hierarchy and the Dynamics of Their Poles. I. New form of a general rational solution, J.Math.Phys. 35, 5820-5830 (1994)
no abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and Yu.A. Stepanyants, New Multisoliton Solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation, JETP Lett. 57, 24-28 (1993)

Proceedings papers:
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and A. Saalmann, Inverse scattering for the massive Thirring model, Nonlinear Dispersive Partial Differential Equations and Inverse Scattering (Editors: P. Miller, P. Perry, J.C. Saut, and C. Sulem), Fields Institute Communications 83 (Springer, New York, NY), 497-528 (2019)
D.E. Pelinovsky and V.M. Rothos, Evans function for the AKNS problem with algebraic solitons, "Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation: WAVES 2003", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation Held at Jyvaskyla, Finland, 30 June - 4 July 2003, Eds. G.C. Cohen, E. Heikkola, P. Joly, P. Neittaanmaki, Springer, 729-734 (2003)
abstract download A.S. Fokas, D.E. Pelinovsky, and C. Sulem, Interaction of Lumps With a Line Soliton for the DSII Equation, Physica D 152-153, 189-198 (2001)
D.E. Pelinovsky and C. Sulem, Embedded Solitons of the DSII Equation, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, 27, edited by I.M. Sigal and C. Sulem, 135-145 (2001)
abstract download D.E. Pelinovsky and C. Sulem, Asymptotic Approximations of a New Eigenvalue in Linear Problems Without a Threshold, Theor. Mat. Phys. 122, 98-106 (2000)
abstract download D. Pelinovsky, On a Structure of the Explicit Solutions to the Davey - Stewartson Equations, Physica D 87, 115-122 (1995)
no abstract
V.M. Galkin, D.E. Pelinovsky, and Yu.A. Stepanyants, On the Existence of Multisolitons Described by the KP1 equation, Oscillations and Waves in Distributive Media, (Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnical Institute Press), 15-19 (1992)